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NALFA Releases 2021 Litigation Hourly Rate Survey & Report

July 19, 2022 | Posted in : Article / Book, Attorney-Client Relationship, Bankruptcy Fees / Expenses, Billing / Fee Guidelines, Billing Practices, Billing Record / Entries, Contingency Fees / POF, Defense Fees / Costs, Ethics & Professional Responsibility, Fee Affidavit, Fee Agreement, Fee Allocation / Fee Apportionment, Fee Award, Fee Award Data, Fee Award Factors, Fee Calculation Method, Fee Clause, Fee Data / Fee Analytics, Fee Dispute, Fee Dispute Litigation / ADR, Fee Expert / Member, Fee Issues on Appeal, Fee Jurisprudence, Fee Proposal / Bid, Fee Reduction, Fee Request, Fee Scholarship, Fees & Arbitration, Fees as Damages, Fees as Sanctions, Fees by Tiers / Scale, Hourly Billing, Hourly Rate Survey, Hourly Rates, Legal Bills / Legal Costs, Legal Malpractice, Legal Spend, Legislation / Politics, Lodestar, NALFA News, Practice Area: Class Action / Mass Tort / MDL, Study / Report, Unpaid Fees

Every year, NALFA conducts an hourly rate survey of civil litigation in the U.S.   Today, NALFA released the results from its 2021 hourly rate survey.  The survey results, published in The 2021 Litigation Hourly Rate Survey & Report, shows billing rate data on the very factors that correlate directly to hourly rates in litigation:

City / Geography
Years of Litigation Experience / Seniority
Position / Title
Practice Area / Complexity of Case
Law Firm / Law Office Size

This empirical survey and report provides micro and macro data of current hourly rate ranges for both defense and plaintiffs’ litigators, at various experience levels, from large law firms to solo shops, in regular and complex litigation, and in the nation’s largest markets.  This data-intensive survey contains hundreds of data sets and thousands of data points covering all relevant billing rate categories and variables.  This is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive survey or study on hourly billing rates in litigation.

This is the second year NALFA has conducted this survey on billing rates.  The 2021 Litigation Hourly Rate Survey & Report contains new cities, additional categories, and more accurate variables.  These updated features allow us to capture new and more precise billing rate data.  Through our propriety email database, NALFA surveyed thousands of litigators from across the U.S.  Over 8,400 qualified litigators fully participated in this hourly rate survey.  This data-rich survey was designed to aid litigators in proving their lodestar rates in court and comparing their rates to their litigation peers.

The 2021 Litigation Hourly Rate Survey & Report is now available for purchase.  For more on this survey, email NALFA Executive Director Terry Jesse at terry@thenalfa.org or call us at (312) 907-7275.