
Subscribe to NALFA

For Hourly Rate Data, Access to News Blog, CLE Discounts & More

Every year, NALFA conducts a survey of prevailing market rates in civil litigation in the U.S. This is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive survey or study on hourly billing rates in litigation.

NALFA is offering a new subscription service for qualified litigators and  survey participants.  Now, active, full-time litigators (≥ 50% of practice devoted to litigation) or survey participants who subscribe to NALFA will receive our annual hourly rate survey data, gain full access to our News Blog, and get automatic discounts on our CLE programs (live and on-demand), and more. This subscription service is only $10 a month for active, full-time litigators.

I’d like to subscribe as:

You can cancel your subscription after one year.  Qualified litigators who subscribe for at least 2 years and register for at least 2 of our Ethics CLE programs (live or on-demand), will qualify to earn the NALFA recognition, Ethical Billing Litigator.  Ethical Billing Litigators pledge to adhere to ethical billing practices and reasonable attorney fee jurisprudence in their litigation practice.  Ethical Billing Litigators will receive a name-specific logo seal for display purposes and a certificate.

If you have any questions about our subscription service, please contact Terry Jesse, NALFA Executive Director at or call us at  312-907-7275.