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(312) 907-7275

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    Expert Declarations on the Reasonableness of Attorney Fees

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ABA Journal Covers NALFA’s Annual Hourly Rate Survey

A recent ABA Journal story, “This City Has the Highest Billing Rates for Litigators, Survey Shows,” by Amanda Robert...

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National Association of Legal Fee Analysis

The National Association of Legal Fee Analysis (NALFA) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit professional association for the legal fee analysis field.  Our members provide a range of services on attorney fees and legal billing matters.  We serve as the organizing and governing body for the legal fee analysis profession.

Courts and clients turn to us for expertise when attorney fees and expenses are at issue in large, complex cases.  NALFA members are fully qualified attorney fee experts, special masters, bankruptcy fee examiners, fee dispute neutrals, and legal bill auditors.  Our members follow Best Practices in Legal Fee Analysis.

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