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NALFA to Conduct 2020 Class Action Hourly Rate Survey

December 3, 2019 | Posted in : Defense Fees / Costs, Fee Award, Fee Data / Fee Analytics, Fee Expert / Member, Fee Request, Hourly Rate Survey, Hourly Rates, NALFA News, Practice Area: Class Action / Mass Tort / MDL

NALFA conducts hourly rate surveys for law firms, corporate legal departments, and government agencies.  Our surveys provide the most accurate and current hourly rates within a given geography and practice area.  We can design hourly rate surveys for specific cases.  Our hourly rate surveys assist state and federal courts in awarding attorney fees in large, complex litigation throughout the U.S.

Starting in 2020, NALFA will be conducting the 2020 Class Action Hourly Rate Survey, the nation’s most comprehensive survey of hourly rates in class action litigation.  This survey will show current, that is 2020, hourly rate data for class action litigators in the nation’s 16 largest legal markets:

1. New York, NY
2. Los Angeles, CA
3. Chicago, IL
4. Miami, FL
5. Washington, DC
6. Dallas, TX
7. Atlanta, GA
8. Boston, MA
9. Houston, TX
10. Philadelphia, PA
11. San Francisco, CA
12. Seattle, WA
13. San Diego, CA
14. New Orleans, LA
15. Tampa, FL
16. Denver, CO

This inaugural hourly rate survey will be conducted via email in early 2020.  The survey results will show the current average hourly rate range of class action litigators (plaintiff and defense) at senior partner, partner, senior associate, and associate levels in the nation’s top legal markets.  This billing rate survey may be the first ever to make a distinction between plaintiffs' rates and defense rates.  This survey will be available for purchase.